Thursday, 21 December 2017

T.S.Eliot questions and answers

1) .How would you like to explain Eliot's concept of Tradition? Do you agree with it?

Answer :
I am not agree with TS Eliot concept of tradition and  support my argument give an example of critics thoughts who have also criticize on this definition of traditional  :

"Harold Bloom presents a conception of tradition that differs from that of Eliot. Whereas Eliot believes that the great poet is faithful to his predecessors and evolves in a concordant manner, according to his theory of "anxiety of influence " envisions the "strong poet" to engage in a much more aggressive and tumultuous rebellion against traditional.

2). What do you understand by Historical b. Sense? (Use these quotes to explain your understanding)

Answer :
( first quotation) The historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past, but of its presence; the historical sense compels a man to write not merely with his own generation in his bones, but with a feeling that the whole literature of his own country has a simultaneous existence and composes a simultaneous order. This historical sense, which is a sense of the timeless and the temporal together, is what makes a writer traditional.
                ( second quotation) “the historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past, but of its presence; the historical sense compels a man to write not merely with his own generation in his bones, but with a feeling that the whole of the literature of Europe from Homer and within it the whole of the literature of his own country has a simultaneous existence and composes a simultaneous order. This historical sense, which is a sense of the timeless as well as of the temporal and of the timeless and of the temporal together, is what makes a writer traditional. And it is at the same time what makes a writer most acutely conscious of his place in time, of his contemporaneity.”

3). What is the relationship between “tradition” and “the individual talent,” according to the poet T. S. Eliot?

Ans :
   That means that the development of the writer will depend on his or her ability to build such private spaces for continual negotiation and even struggle with illustrious antecedents, and strong influences. Harold Bloom terms the state of struggle as “The anxiety of influence”, and he derides Eliot for suggesting a complex, an elusive relationship between the tradition and the individual, and goes on to develop his own theory of influence.

4). Explain: "Some can absorb knowledge, the more tardy must sweat for it. Shakespeare acquired more essential history from Plutarch than most men could from the whole British Museum".

Ans :
 "Some can absorb knowledge; the more tardy must sweat for it. Shakespeare acquired more essential history from Plutarch than most men could from the whole British Museum". In this quote Eliot explain that to be a good poet one must have the common sense. It is not necessary for a poet to read all the literary history of the past but one has to have understanding of human nature. Like the Shakespeare who is not a university student or very educated fellow, but he easily understood everything which the university wits and his contemporary could not. In our Gujarati and Hindi literature there are examples like Narsinh Maheta, Meera, Kabir etc. who never went to school.

5).Explain: "Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry"

Ans :
                The artist or the poet adopts the process of depersonalization, which is “a continual surrender of himself as he is at the moment to something which is more valuable. The progress of an artist is a continual self-sacrifice, a continual extinction of personality.”
There still remain to define this process of depersonalization and its relation to sense of tradition.

6) . How would you like to explain Eliot's theory of ddepersonalization? You can explain with the help of chemical reaction in presence of catalyst agent, Platinum.

Ans :
 The elements of the experience of the poet are of two kinds – emotions and feelings. They are the elements which entering the presence of the poet’s mind and acting as a catalyst, go to the making of a work of art. The final effect produced by a work of art may be formed out of several emotions into one, it may be formed out of a single emotions or out of the feelings invoked in the poet by various words and images. Thus the poet’s mind is a receptacle(container) for seizing and storing up numberless feelings, phrases, images, which remain there until all the particles, which can unite to form a new compound, are present together.

7).Explain: " Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality."

Ans :
 Poetry is not a turning loose of emotian escape from emotion; it is not the expression of
personality, but an escape from personality. But, of
course, only those who have personality and emotion
know what it means to want to escape .

7).Explain: " Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality."

Ans :
 Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. But, of
course, only those who have personality and emotion know what it means to want to escape .

8).Write two points on which one can write critique on 'T.S. Eliot as a critic

Ans :
  One can write critique on “T.S.Eliot as a critic” from the following points mentioned in his essay:

• "Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry."

• “Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality."

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