Thursday, 29 November 2018


Edward Said is writre and talk about  the Orientalism. The term 'Orient' is derives from the latin word 'Orients' means 'East'. Study of orient it means study of orients. 

Balaji sir explained the unit Orientalism very well and provide some good information about India 's condition before independence and after independence. He said that orient helps to define yourself. He said that this is specific era of study in which people like to learn not material but want to be academic. He explained  A Tempest very shortly and provide basic information about it. He suggested to read original A Tempest.
He identify difference between The Tempest and A Tempest very interestingly.

Orientalism raise the question against our mentality that how we think about those who belong different culture, specially west consider middle - east as "Other" but treat them as enemies is not good. For example :- Muslim Community. In the context of demonization of Islam, Television represents Jihad in America, for militants Jihad is a holy war, and their main purpose is to establish an Islamic empire. Media reveling only worst side of Islam, at that time those people who are believers of Islam or who have influence of that, they can see only problems of that society. And as a result the human side of Islamic and Arabic world are rarely found.
Orientalism traise to explain that how we understand people,strangers, who look different to us by virtue of the color of their skin.
Said argued that orient and occident worked as oppositional terms, so that the orient was constructed as negative inversion of western culture.
The structure of orient is nothing more than a structure of lies or the myths which, were the truth about them to be told, would simply blow away.
Orientalism as a system of knowledge about orient an accepted grid for filtering thorough the orient into western consciousness, just as that same investment multiplied indeed made truly productive the statements profiling out from orientalism into the general culture. 

Thank you.... 

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